Family Portrait Photographer in Didsbury

Just received an enquiry as a Family Portrait Photographer in Didsbury the family in question are celebrating their parents 50th wedding anniversary and are wanting to capture all of the family around their Mum and Dad, with about 15 people in total it should make quite a family portrait.

In Didsbury as a Family Portrait Photographer I have an advantage over most photographers given the fact I work out of my warehouse studio just outside the city centre this allows me to create the right environment for each individual family ensuring I capture an accurate image that refelcts the the true personality of the family group.

As a Family Portrait Photographer in Didsbury I’ve been incredibly busy recently and I’ve just been booked on a commercial job to photograph a new clothing range based on the Hacienda club in Manchester, the location for the shoot is a bar in the city centre and will be taking place at the end of October.